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Your Emails, Deliberately Designed for Results
Your Emails, Deliberately Designed for Results
Your Emails, Deliberately Designed for Results
Your Emails, Deliberately Designed for Results
Your Emails, Deliberately Designed for Results
Your Emails, Deliberately Designed for Results
Email By DesignEmail By Design
How to tell an email story... without saying too much

How to tell an email story... without saying too much

How to tell an email story... without saying too much 

Emails are a great way to communicate with your target market. But how do you walk the tightrope between over-communicating and under-communicating to guarantee you provide enough content to your audience without blasting them with information? 

The answer may be simpler than you think, and to help, we’ve broken it down below. 

Use smaller words 

A great vocabulary might be a fantastic tool in the corporate world. But, in email, it can be overwhelming and confusing. Remember that your database is most likely filled with regular people, most of whom are quickly opening your emails at their desks, on their lunch break or after they’ve put the kids to bed. 

Even if these people are linguistic masterminds, having something easier to read that doesn’t make them think too hard can keep them more engaged with your story. 

Use smaller sentences

Long sentences, like the one you’re reading right now, can take up a lot of energy, they can be exhausting, and they may even cause people to shut off from the content they are reading. Short sentences, however, are different. (See what we did there?). They’re snappy and keep people wanting to read more. They’re also easy to follow and can communicate your message much clearer. 

If you’re trying to communicate the benefits of your product, short sentences are the way to go. Think of a new brand of tea leaves. A long sentence may communicate the benefits like so. Our new tea is great for the gut and has digestion-boosting properties that can reduce bloating, ease constipation and help you feel better from the inside out. That’s a lot to take in, right? 

Whereas a short form may communicate something like the below. 

Great for the body, especially the gut. Drink it when you’re feeling backed up to reduce bloating. One sip is all it takes to feel better from the inside out. 

You may be saying the same thing, but saying it differently can tell that story all the more effectively, which is key for selling your products. 

Break up your copy

We get it. You have a lot to say in your emails. That’s totally fine! Sometimes, the message is too important to cull. But, have you tried to break up your copy a little? 

A rookie error in email marketing is feeling like you need to include all of your copy in the main block, at the top of your content. 

But, did you know you can include your information… anywhere? 

Rather than giving your customers paragraphs upon paragraphs to read as soon as they open your email, try to spread it throughout your email. Have some in the hero banner, some in the main copy block and some scattered amongst images to make your emails feel less top-heavy and more evenly distributed. 

Before long, your readers will stop exiting your email too soon and will be hanging off every word you send their way. 

Email By Design knows how to tell a story 

We know you want to put a lot of info and content into your emails. Let us show you how you can do this to guarantee your emails remain informative without compromising quality. Book a free 15-minute consultation to get started.

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