Is that the smell of gingerbread in the air? No. Maybe it’s just the excitement for the end of the year and Christmas that’s got us all amped up. While it’s only now November, we’re now officially in the last weeks of the year, meaning it’s time to plan for the big and looming Black Friday, get ready to set your 2025 goals and ensure your customers have your products on the top of their wish lists. If you're looking for inspiration, check out these November Content Ideas to make the most of the season.
But it’s not all storewide sales, candy canes and cinnamon lattes. While we’re still waiting for Santa to start packing his sack, here are some events you can market toward to keep your customers engaged and purchasing.
Marketing Ideas for November and Days of Celebration
November 1: Movember Begins
November 1: All Saint’s Day
November 2: All Soul’s Day
November 5: Melbourne Cup Day
November 9: World Freedom Day
November 10: International Accounting Day
November 11: Remembrance Day
November 12: World Pneumonia Day
November 13: World Kindness Day
November 14: World Diabetes Day
November 15: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
November 17: International Student’s Day
November 19: International Men’s Day
November 21: World Philosophy Day
November 25: White Ribbon Day
November 28: Thanksgiving Day
November 29: Black Friday
Evergreen Idea: Allow Customers To Opt Out
Sales periods, like the looming Black Friday, can mean that you are sending double, or even triple the amount of emails that you normally would. So, it’s important to give your customers a choice about receiving these emails. Including opt-out options in your November Content Ideas allows customers to opt out of a sale or a promotional period they aren’t interested in ensures they don’t grow tired of your brand and push that looming unsubscribe button.
Need help crafting the perfect holiday emails? Let Email by Design handle your strategy, so you can focus on making the most of this busy season.